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Kantar study details DEI impact on consumers

Kantar has released their annual Brand Inclusion Index for 2024, which ranks the most inclusive brands of the year based on recognition by consumers for setting a positive example by demonstrating a genuine commitment to DE&I. A key finding shows that 8 in 10 U.S.

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NEW YORK — Kantar has released their annual Brand Inclusion Index for 2024, which ranks the most inclusive brands of the year based on recognition by consumers for setting a positive example by demonstrating a genuine commitment to DE&I.

A key finding shows that 8 in 10 U.S. consumers feel brands are trying to be more diverse and inclusive.

Globally, DEI influences buying decisions among 8 in 10 shoppers. 75% of U.S. consumers say it is important that brands they buy from promote diversity and inclusion.

However, overall are experiencing discrimination (75% this year.) Groups in the U.S. experiencing significantly higher levels of discrimination include LGBTQ+ consumers, people with a disability, black or African American consumers, Hispanic and/or Latino consumers. 63% of shoppers reported acts of discrimination occurred at a commercial location where they are ready to spend their money.

The study also reports tha the top 5 inclusive brands in the U.S. this year are: Amazon, Dove, Apple, Walmart and Nike.

