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Health Mart boosts outcomes with personalized care

Throughout the event, Mc­Kesson leaders and industry partners recognized the vital role community pharmacists play in their communities.

Miller said the company remains committed to supporting community pharmacy.

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IRVING, Texas — McKesson Corp., Health Mart and Health Mart Atlas recently hosted nearly 2,700 attendees, including pharmacists, owners and staff from 1,300 independent pharmacies, at the 2024 Mc­Kesson ideaShare conference in New Orleans.

Throughout the event, Mc­Kesson leaders and industry partners recognized the vital role community pharmacists play in their communities.

At the conference Scott Miller, president of strategic, community and specialized pharmacy at McKesson, said that beyond dispensing medicines, their customer pharmacies have the ability to deliver personalized patient care and foster trusted relationships with community members help to advance health outcomes. “It is imperative to support and protect the profession so pharmacists can continue providing critical services for their patients.”

Miller said the company remains committed to supporting community pharmacy. “McKesson’s goal is to empower independent pharmacies to thrive by providing a network of over 4,500 Health Mart pharmacies and over 6,100 Health Mart Atlas pharmacies. McKesson aims to create business solutions that help pharmacies navigate changes in the industry and ensure they are properly remunerated for their services.”

He said McKesson is helping its Health Mart members in several areas. One of those is revenue diversification. “To help ensure pharmacies’ financial sustainability, McKesson recommends pharmacies diversify their revenue streams through clinical services such as vaccinations, medication management and adherence, and other offerings. This can help pharmacies grow their revenue and stay competitive in a challenging environment.”

He added that McKesson is also committed to advocating for independent pharmacies and supporting their growth through partnerships and business solutions.

Miller noted that some independent pharmacies in Mc­Kesson’s network have diversified to offer a long-term care business, providing medication management and other services to nursing homes and patients aging at home.

As for other new programs he explained that McKesson has consolidated two private label programs under a new brand called Foster & Thrive to improve scale and cost positions, offering a consistent label to pharmacies and consumers. In addition, the company introduced Foster & Thrive’s line of aluminum, over-the-counter drug product packaging to be made with 70% less plastic.

“Through Health Mart Marketing Edge, we’re investing in digital marketing and social media to programs to support pharmacies and attract new patients. Through Health Mart, McKesson’s franchise for independent pharmacies, we provide marketing programs, business solutions and clinical support to help independents integrate into their communities and attract patients.”

McKesson also offers financial services, including inventory management, cash flow management and quality measures to help pharmacies succeed. Miller added that “the company’s focus is on putting the patient first, which drives its mission to support independent pharmacies and help them thrive in the health care ­industry.” 

During the event, a new initiative, called McKesson Amplify, was rolled out. This Mc­Kesson-funded sponsorship program creates a streamlined path for state pharmacy associations to secure funding for advocacy efforts that best serve independent pharmacists, their profession and their communities.

Newly hired Rich Buckley, senior vice president of public affairs at McKesson, said the McKesson Amplify program aims to elevate the practice of pharmacy in states by providing funding and resources to state pharmacy associations. “The program will encourage creative ideas for state-level initiatives and advocacy efforts.”

He added that McKesson is actively advocating for several bills, including Equitable Community Access to Pharmacist Services Act (HR 1770/S. 2477), which would ensure pharmacists receive Medicare reimbursement for services related to infectious and communicable diseases. The bill has over 150 bipartisan cosponsors in the House and Senate and is expected to receive a Congressional Budget Office (CBO) score soon.

Buckley emphasized the importance of pharmacists using their political goodwill and equity to advocate for their own interests. He encourages them to speak to their members of Congress and local politicians to ensure that policy makers understand the impact of certain policies on the practice of pharmacy.

“The McKesson Amplify program is seen as a next-generation effort to amplify the voice of independent pharmacies and help ensure their sustainability. The program will provide funding and resources to state pharmacy associations, allowing them to be more effective in their advocacy efforts.”

The company also recently welcomed a former employee back to the fold with the hiring of Nancy Chung, vice president of strategy, marketing and operations at McKesson. She has a rich background with the company, having spent 15 years with McKesson before returning to this current role. She has experience in corporate strategy, business development and operations, particularly in community pharmacy and Health Mart.

In her new role, Chung aims to bring a customer-first mindset to support pharmacies in succeeding and evolving in a challenging environment. “I will be focused in three key areas: strategy, marketing and operations. In strategy, I will work on understanding opportunities and challenges, assessing the current approach and identifying areas for improvement.”

In marketing, Nancy said she is excited to leverage digital tools to help pharmacies reach new generations of health care consumers who are digitally savvy. “I believe that pharmacies need to be plugged into technology to stay competitive and that McKesson can support them with innovative digital ­solutions.”

Some specific initiatives she is looking at include refreshing the franchise strategy with locations, improving the myHealthMart platform and enhancing digital assets such as social media and websites.

“I am enthusiastic about the future of independent pharmacy, and seeing successful pharmacies that are adapting to change by offering services like home delivery, diabetes management and oncology patient care. I believe that Mc­Kesson can have a broad impact on pharmacies by supporting them in delivering direct patient care.”

During the conference, Health Mart presented the 2024 Pharmacy of the Year Award, which recognizes a pharmacy for clinical and business excellence, commitment to leading a healthy community and advocating for independent pharmacy. Attendees chose the winner during a live on-site vote from a selection of three finalists.

This year’s title was awarded to Dreier Pharmacy of Shawano, Wis., operated by Tim Dreier and his sister Jessica Dreier-Huntington. The building that houses Dreier Pharmacy has been a pharmacy — and community staple — since the late 1800s.

Dreier Pharmacy has served the town of Shawano for two generations and is only years away from a third generation, as Tim’s daughter, Avery, is in pharmacy school. Striving to be a health care access point where family values meet innovation, the family has dedicated itself to the profession of pharmacy, allowing the business to stay profitable and expand its offerings since 1967. This includes serving as preceptors for two pharmacy schools in ­Wisconsin.

