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Health Mart reaches a milestone

Health Mart, McKesson Corp.’s nationwide network of independently owned pharmacies, has set a milestone with the addition of its 2,500th pharmacy.

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SAN FRANCISCO — Health Mart, McKesson Corp.’s nationwide network of independently owned pharmacies, has set a milestone with the addition of its 2,500th pharmacy.

“We joined Health Mart to take advantage of the innovative marketing, operational and patient care programs,” says Tom Fakih, owner of Trudell Health Mart Pharmacy of Dearborn, Mich. “Then we found out we were the 2,500th pharmacy to go blue and green [the colors of the Health Mart logo], which is exciting because we just celebrated 80 years of serving the community.

“We think that Health Mart will help us succeed for another 80 years. By providing new services and programs that help us better care for, educate and inform our patients, Health Mart pharmacies are making a difference in our customers’ lives.’’

Health Mart pharmacists are clinically trained specialists who work with a franchise that offers business-building programs that include national branding, third-party contracting and reimbursement services, clinical programs, and in-store merchandising, in order to help pharmacies compete more effectively and expand their role in the health care delivery system.

Health Mart was also recently ranked among the highest in customer satisfaction among chain drug store pharmacies by J.D. Power and Associates.

“Being ranked highest in customer satisfaction, coupled with our growth to 2,500 pharmacies, is a further demonstration of Health Mart’s commitment to the local pharmacists and staff who serve their communities,” Health Mart president Tim Canning says. “Health Mart is focused on providing the highest-quality patient care, and it’s clear that consumers and pharmacists alike continue to take notice of the unmatched, affordable, and personal care that Health Mart pharmacies deliver.”

Besides its business-building programs for pharmacies, Health Mart is currently running pilot programs for several solutions, including medication therapy management and central fill.

In another initiative, the company has unveiled a new national ad campaign to highlight the personal care and services offered to its patients and customers. The advertising initiative will initially roll out with 30- and 15-second national television commercials featuring a “Health Mart Town” concept.

The campaign showcases how Health Mart pharmacists have impacted their communities by taking the time to care and provide such special services as diabetes counseling and testing.

“This new advertising campaign highlights the emotional connection our pharmacists have with their customers, and it showcases that devotion to a national audience while spotlighting the fact that Health Mart pharmacies are practically everywhere,” Canning says.

All footage for the ads was shot on location, with actual Health Mart pharmacists playing themselves.

