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Excellence in Rx: Lance extends impact beyond Rx into digital care

“We fill prescriptions only after they are ordered by the patient, rather than at the time the prescription is received. This approach has significantly increased our efficiency and minimized wasted time spent returning unfilled prescriptions to the shelf."

CaryHealth staff

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Kevin Lance
(CARE Pharmacies)
1444 I St. NW Suite 600
Washington, D.C. 20005

WASHINGTON, D.C. — For Kevin Lance of CaryHealth, a member of the CARE Pharmacies Cooperative, in Washington, D.C., his career path was fueled by a chance meeting after college.

“After graduating from the University of Maryland, I had a strong entrepreneurial drive, working with startups and eventually launching my own business. My interest in pharmacy was sparked when I met Areo Nazari and Nima Negahban, both fellow UMD graduates. Areo, a pharmacist by trade, shared his firsthand experience of the outdated practices in retail pharmacy, highlighting the challenging working conditions and the negative impact on patient care. His insights opened my eyes to the critical need for innovation in the industry.

With Areo’s deep understanding of pharmacy, Nima’s tech expertise and my background in business development, we realized we had the right combination of skills to make a difference,” Lance recalls.

“Together, we founded CaryRx in 2017, a pioneering digital pharmacy designed to transform the pharmacy experience for both patients and pharmacists. As the business evolved, we recognized an even larger opportunity to disrupt health care as a whole with cutting-edge tech solutions, which led to the launch of CaryHealth, expanding our impact beyond pharmacy and into comprehensive digital health care, Lance adds.

He says the pandemic had a profound impact on operations at CaryRx, the pharmacy arm of CaryHealth. “Founded with a focus on delivery and efficiency, we were well positioned to meet the changing needs of consumers as services like DoorDash and Uber Eats gained popularity.” Many customers transitioned from traditional pharmacies to CaryRx, highlighting a significant shift in consumer preferences. This transition not only solidified our position as a leader in tech-driven pharmacy solutions but also reinforced our commitment to adapting and improving our services in response to the evolving health care landscape.”

Kevin Lance

Lance explains that while the pharmacy is not a traditional chain, it has been designed for efficiency since inception. “We fill prescriptions only after they are ordered by the patient, rather than at the time the prescription is received. This approach has significantly increased our efficiency and minimized wasted time spent returning unfilled prescriptions to the shelf. Our technology also enables us to prioritize prescriptions based on urgency and delivery times, ensuring that each one is filled accurately and on schedule.”

He notes that being located in the Washington, D.C., area, the pharmacy takes great pride in addressing pharmacy deserts by providing seamless delivery services to those who face challenges in accessing their medications. “Our mobile app enhances transparency and allows for real-time chat with our pharmacists and pharmacy team, which has been instrumental in improving the patient experience. In contrast to traditional pharmacies, where phone wait times can easily exceed 30 minutes, our chat feature is one of the most utilized and appreciated aspects of our service.”

Lance adds that CaryRx works closely with pharmaceutical manufacturers to streamline the process of getting medications to patients, providing real-time feedback that enhances patient care. This collaborative approach not only boosts efficiency but also contributes positively to the overall health care system. “What truly gratifies me is our incredible team. I believe that having the best colleagues is vital to a company’s success. By prioritizing their well-being and fostering a supportive work environment, we can provide better service to our patients.” 

He explains that the pharmacy works closely with pharmaceutical manufacturers through the Cary­Connect initiative. This platform allows CaryRx to serve patients directly, providing an up-to-date digital experience to its pharmaceutical manufacturing partners. “As a result, we can efficiently deliver medications to patients and offer real-time feedback to manufacturers. For example, when a manufacturer launches a new drug, we can provide immediate data on how many prescriptions are being written and how many have been dispensed, delivering insights that would typically take weeks or months to compile.”

He points out that this direct relationship, combined with the pharmacy’s technological capabilities, enhances the experience for the company’s partners and ensures that the pharmacy plays an integral role in the health care team. “By collaborating with manufacturers, we work together to ensure that patients receive their medications promptly and effectively. This approach not only improves patient care but also helps manufacturers make informed decisions based on real-time data and feedback.”

Lance says that education is essential to patient care, and the pharmacy leverages a mobile app to deliver real-time educational resources digitally. “The app allows us to send timely messages, such as check-ins when a patient starts a new medication. We can inquire about how it’s working, address any questions they might have, and identify any side effects they may be experiencing. This proactive approach enables us to gather valuable feedback, which we can then relay directly to the manufacturer, fostering effective engagement with our patients.”

He explains that rather than relying on traditional communication methods, CaryRx utilizes advanced digital tools, such as AI-powered phone calls, which provide a much higher level of engagement. “These calls sound remarkably human-like, and our digital agents are equipped to assist with a wide range of questions and requests.”

“Additionally, our mobile app plays a crucial role in patient care. If we notice a patient might be taking an incorrect dose of their medication, we can address it immediately through the app and facilitate real-time conversations with our pharmacists. This innovative use of digital technology allows us to connect with patients in a manner that resonates with them, setting us apart from traditional pharmacies.”

Lance says his favorite part of the job is collaborating with some of the brightest minds in the pharmacy industry. “I have the privilege of working alongside truly talented individuals, and I firmly believe that surrounding yourself with visionary people inspires personal and professional growth. This dynamic environment continually pushes me to elevate my own capabilities and strive for excellence.”

“Much of our success stems from the innovative workflows and technology tools we’ve developed. One key tool is Clair, our clinical reference solution that allows users to ask any health care-related question in natural language and receive instant, reliable answers. It’s like having a conversation with a knowledgeable friend. Unlike other AI solutions, Clair incorporates guardrails to ensure that only clinically significant and trustworthy sources are utilized, drawing from over 200 million clinical studies, 174,000 FDA inserts, and 2 million clinical guidelines.”

When asked about mentors that have helped move the business along on a successful path, he names Mike Wysong, chief executive officer of Care Pharmacies. “Mike is a true visionary in the pharmacy field, looking beyond the traditional role of filling prescriptions to create a comprehensive experience for both patients and partners. He advocates for transparency and equity in pharmacy, drawing parallels with how some businesses have transformed their customer experiences.”

