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ARLINGTON, Va. – Following the release of the Drug Enforcement Administration’s Automated Reports and Consolidated Ordering System (ARCOS) data, National Association of Chain Drug Stores (NACDS) president and chief executive officer Steven Anderson issued the following statement regarding pharmacy’s commitment to serving as part of the solution to opioid abuse:

Steven Anderson
“Every day, pharmacists face a moment of truth when presented with an opioid prescription, making decisions as a provider of patient care and as part of the solution to the opioid-abuse epidemic. Patients understand that community pharmacy is part of the solution, providing trusted advice and quality healthcare services.
“Pharmacies have a long-standing and ongoing commitment to working as part of the solution to opioid abuse. Pharmacies’ work in this area includes compliance programs; drug disposal; patient education; security initiatives; fostering naloxone access; stopping illegal online drug-sellers and rogue clinics; philanthropic programs; and more.
“NACDS also advances policy recommendations for opioid abuse prevention. NACDS’ recommendations relate to electronic prescribing, drug disposal, supply limits for a patient’s first prescription to treat temporary pain, prescription drug monitoring plans, health plan design, and pain management.”