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New headquarters for NACDS

The National Association of Chain Drug Stores has moved its corporate office. The trade association relocated its headquarters on December 3 to 1776 Wilson Blvd., Suite 200, in Arlington, Va. All office and staff telephone and fax numbers have remained the same.

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ARLINGTON, Va. — The National Association of Chain Drug Stores has moved its corporate office.

The trade association relocated its headquarters on December 3 to 1776 Wilson Blvd., Suite 200, in Arlington, Va.

All office and staff telephone and fax numbers have remained the same.

NACDS says the relocation will allow better collaboration among its staff. Unlike its previous setup in nearby Alexandria, Va., where NACDS operated out of several separate buildings, the new headquarters will have the entire staff on the same floor.

In addition, executives say that the move will enhance accessibility to Capitol Hill and to federal agencies for NACDS’ public policy advocates.

The building in which NACDS is leasing space for its new headquarters is the first completed office building in Arlington that is designed to achieve LEED Platinum ­certification.

