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Rite Aid augments wellness+ loyalty program

Rite Aid Corp. has expanded its wellness+ customer loyalty program. Executives say the revamped program, which went into effect this month, will deliver more value to customers.

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CAMP HILL, Pa. — Rite Aid Corp. has expanded its wellness+ customer loyalty program.

Executives say the revamped program, which went into effect this month, will deliver more value to customers. Cardholders will find it easier to shop and save at Rite Aid, they say, with exclusive access to the drug store industry’s first coupon management tool. Members who reach the silver level of Rite Aid’s free customer rewards program will enjoy new wellness rewards of their choosing.

“As we grow the program, it’s important that we continue to enhance its value to members,” chief operating officer Ken Martindale says. “Through innovative tools and exciting, new wellness rewards, we’ll deliver more value than ever before to wellness+ members."

Since its inception, the loyalty program has changed the way consumers view the drug chain, he says. “Wellness+ has been a game-changer for Rite Aid,” Martindale says.

With the expanded wellness+, Rite Aid has introduced Load2Card, a coupon management program that will allow all members to save, manage and redeem Rite Aid and manufacturer coupons available online. Each week members will be able to load an average of more than $100 in savings directly to their wellness+ card. The coupon savings will automatically be deducted from applicable purchases when customers scan their wellness+ card at checkout.

In addition, when members reach 500 points, they will earn a wellness reward of their choice. Rewards include gym memberships, health/fitness magazine subscriptions and health screenings. Members of wellness+ will also be able to enjoy three tiers of savings and rewards this year.

Besides its existing gold and silver wellness+ membership tiers, Rite Aid has created a bronze tier for members who reach 250 points in a single year. Bronze tier members will receive 10% off Rite Aid brand products and a onetime 10% off in-store shopping pass.
More than 47 million customers are enrolled in the wellness+ program, according to Rite Aid.

