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Issue 03-14-2016

McKesson adds Rexall Health to Canadian holdings

McKesson adds Rexall Health to Canadian holdings

McKesson Corp.’s $2.2 billion deal to acquire Rexall Health from Katz Group will strengthen the drug distributor’s position in Canada’s pharmaceutical supply chain. McKesson said the agreement is a natural next step for two companies that have worked together for over 20 years.

Satisfaction among shoppers is on the decline

Satisfaction among shoppers is on the decline

Two years removed from its all-time high, customer satisfaction with the retail sector — including drug chains — has fallen for a second consecutive year. Fourth quarter data from the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) show a slide of 2.6% to 74.8 on a 100-point scale.

Anti-drug abuse efforts advance

The National Association of Chain Drug Stores is urging the Senate to pass legislation that it says would spur collaboration among health and enforcement authorities for drug abuse solutions “that maintain patients’ legitimate access to medications” while fighting opioid abuse.

Anderson named top trade association CEO

National Association of Chain Drug Stores president and chief executive officer Steve Anderson has been selected as the 2016 Trade Association CEO of the Year by an independent panel of association leadership experts.

Diplomat strengthens executive team

Diplomat Pharmacy has announced three promotions within the company’s executive leadership team. Atheer Kaddis has been appointed executive vice president of sales and strategic alignment, a position in which he coordinates Diplomat’s strategies within the business units.

High Court sides with insurer on health data

The Supreme Court has ruled that health insurers do not have to share data, including information about how much they pay for medical claims, with state agencies. The 6-2 decision is seen as a blow to state government efforts to track health care costs within their jurisdictions.

PBM clients at CVS see drop in Rx trend

CVS Health says that prescription drug trend for its pharmacy benefit management clients dropped to 5% in 2015 from a high of 11.8% in 2014. The trend drivers — including brand, specialty and generic price inflation — were similar to what was seen in 2014, but CVS Health asserts that its pharmacy

Pharmasave is in midst of opening seven stores

Pharmasave Ontario Ltd. is continuing its steady expansion. Part of the Pharmasave Drugs National Ltd. cooperative, Pharmasave Ontario plans to open seven new stores in the first quarter. Several other stores are slated for late spring openings.

CDMA reaches new heights at 90th annual trade expo

The Chain Drug Marketing Association’s 90th annual Trade Expo was hailed by participants as one of the organization’s best. “CDMA continues to hit it out of the park,” said Lanny Doud, executive director of QualityCare Pharmacies.

Good Day wins recognition for MTM

Good Day Pharmacy said it had been named best in class by OutcomesMTM, a Cardinal Health company that designs, delivers and administers medication therapy management ­programs. Good Day Pharmacy is an independently owned pharmacy chain under the Health Mart umbrella.

Hampel joins staff at NACDS

The National Association of Chain Drug Stores announced that Vonnie Hampel has been hired as the association’s new director of federal government affairs. Hampel most recently worked as senior legislative assistant, press secretary and manager of health policy issues for Iowa Democratic Rep.

Battle to build scale is now a global contest

Battle to build scale is now a global contest

  McKesson Corp.’s agreement to acquire Rexall Health from Katz Group is notable in several respects. The transaction alters the balance of power in the Canadian pharmacy market.

CVS recognized as retail health innovator

CVS recognized as retail health innovator

Fast Company, one of the more appealing and relevant business publications to have come along in recent years, recently compiled a list of the world’s 50 most innovative companies. Several familiar names were included, perhaps most notably to retail students, CVS Health.