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Issue 04-05-2010

Health care reform is a reality

When President Obama signed the bill to overhaul the nation’s health system late last month, it set in motion changes that will impact retail pharmacy operators and other health care providers at every level.

NACDS appoints VP

Dawn Worthington has been hired as vice president of human resources at the National Association of Chain Drug Stores. Worthington had served as vice president of human resources and benefits at the National Restaurant Association.

Leon-Rivero named VP of marketing at Navarro

Navarro Discount Pharmacies has promoted director of human resources Cristy Leon-Rivero to vice president of marketing. In her new position, Leon-Rivero will oversee the advertising, public relations, community relations and marketing efforts of the 28-unit drug store chain.

Suydam shows how to run a trade group

Linda Suydam, president of the Consumer Healthcare Products Association, will retire by year’s end after eight years as head of the proprietary medicines organization. At the association’s annual meeting last month in Aventura, Fla.