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Issue 08-24-2015

Signs of change appear in grocery sector

Signs of change appear in grocery sector

Chain Drug Review’s sister publication, MMR, annually publishes a study of the 100 largest grocery, drug and discount store markets, ranking the markets in descending order by the market share of the leading retailers. This year’s study is included in MMR’s latest issue, dated August 17.

Brick-and-mortar retailers can counter Amazon

Brick-and-mortar retailers can counter Amazon

Results from Amazon’s Prime Day promotion last month raise some interesting questions for all retailers that compete with the e-commerce giant, a group that has come to include chain drug stores, other mass marketers and practically any seller of consumer goods.

Taxonomy: Streamlining the online ­experience

Taxonomy: Streamlining the online ­experience

Taxonomy is a behind-the-scenes organization system that is designed to get your customers from point A to point B on your website with as few impediments as possible. It’s the road that leads your customers to their final destination and, in the best-case scenario, a purchase.

Smart mobile ad campaigns can deliver big return

Smart mobile ad campaigns can deliver big return

In our increasingly mobile world, the changes in consumer behavior include shifts in their shopping habits, from how people first learn about consumer packaged goods to how they follow the path to purchase. Mobile advertising can be a powerful tool at every step.