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Issue 10-22-2018

Law Has Rx Implications

Law Has Rx Implications

Routine monitoring of medication adherence is one of the Medicaid programs that must be included under a new law passed by Congress in response to the opioid epidemic. The recently passed opioid legislation makes improvements in treatment capacity for Medicaid patients.

McKesson teams up with NCPA

McKesson teams up with NCPA

McKesson’s RxOwnership team recently partnered with the National Community Pharmacists Association (NCPA) for the ninth year to sponsor its Pharmacy Ownership Workshop, to further advance community pharmacy ownership.

WBA recasts stores, business model

WBA recasts stores, business model

For the better part of a decade, Walgreens Boosts Alliance has been engaged in continually rethinking what a chain drug store means to the consumer, and how the format needs to evolve to remain relevant in an era when digital technology is changing the rules of the game in retailing and health care.