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July 8, 2019

How to shield Rx from the opioid crisis fallout

How to shield Rx from the opioid crisis fallout

Chain drug retailing has thus far largely escaped the repercussions of the opioid epidemic, an ongoing tragedy which has seen so many people become addicted to pharmaceutical products that, when taken as prescribed and properly managed, can bring needed relief to patients with serious illnesses or i

CVS plans 1,500 HealthHUBs

CVS plans 1,500 HealthHUBs

The executive team of CVS Health outlined a series of transformation initiatives at its 2019 Investor Day event last month, showing how the company plans to accelerate enterprise growth, simplify a consumer health system that is confusing and inconvenient, and position the company for long-term grow

CVS moves ahead on health care model fix

CVS moves ahead on health care model fix

a deal that was finalized last November — CVS Health is moving forward expeditiously to overhaul the health care delivery model. President and chief executive officer Larry Merlo and seven of his colleagues from the combined company’s management team recently laid

Tyler charts course at McKesson

Tyler charts course at McKesson

A week before he succeeded John Hammergren as chief executive officer of McKesson Corp., Brian Tyler wrote on the company’s website that he was getting ready for the job of a lifetime. Tyler might have added that, in light of the serious problems that continue to plague the health care system in