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Topical BioMedics “Get Gout Relief” Initiative

the formulators of Topricin—is helping doctors and patients have more options and better tools to create improved treatment protocols for gout and other ailments. It now offers help to those who suffer with gout with its “Get Gout

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Topical BioMedics Offers Help for Those Who Suffer with Gout with Its “Get Gout Relief” Initiative
Topical BioMedics—the formulators of Topricin—is helping doctors and patients have more options and better tools to create improved treatment protocols for gout and other ailments. It now offers help to those who suffer with gout with its “Get Gout Relief” initiative, whereby the company will send consumers a free 2 oz. tube of Topricin Foot Therapy Cream ($16.95 value) when they receive a register receipt showing the purchase of a 4 oz. jar of Topricin® Foot Therapy Cream from CVS or Walgreens.

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More than 8 million Americans suffer with gout—a painful form of arthritis that causes swollen, red, hot, stiff joints and which grows more serious over time
Topricin Foot Therapy Cream offers relief from gout pain and eliminates risks of organ damage by significantly reducing the need for OTC and Rx medications

Rhinebeck, NY (PRWEB) December 09, 2014

More than 8 million Americans suffer with gout—a painful form of arthritis that causes swollen, red, hot, stiff joints. Topical BioMedics now offers help to those who suffer with this ailment with its “Get Gout Relief” initiative. The company will send consumers a free 2 oz. tube of Topricin Foot Therapy Cream ($16.95 value) when they receive a register receipt showing the purchase of a 4 oz. jar of Topricin® Foot Therapy Cream from CVS or Walgreens. The product can be found in the Foot Care Section at CVS and the Diabetic Section of Walgreens.

To receive their free 2 oz. tube of Topricin Foot Therapy Cream—the perfect size for carrying in purse, pocket, backpack, or brief case—consumers simply mail their CVS/Walgreens receipt showing they’ve purchased a 4 oz. jar of Topricin Foot Therapy Cream to: Topical BioMedics, Inc., 6565 Spring Brook Avenue, PMB #207, Rhinebeck, NY 12572. Or they may scan the receipt and email it to, along with their name and shipping address.


While prescription drugs are standard protocol for treating gout, Topical BioMedics—the formulators of Topricin—is helping doctors and patients have more options and better tools to create improved treatment protocols. This includes education of factors that are at the root cause of these painful ailments, thus empowering both the doctor and the patient and contributing to a true patient-centered outcomes model and a sustainable health care model.

Topricin Foot Therapy Cream offers relief from gout pain and eliminates risks of organ damage by significantly reducing the need for OTC and Rx medications and, in some instances, has been shown to eliminate their use all together. But even if the need for Rx drugs cannot be eliminated, Topricin can minimize the amount used, and the side effects, which is a dramatic and significant benefit to the person suffering with gout. The Topricin approach provides a balance of intelligent holistic and conventional medical protocols.

How it works: Topricin is a combination biomedicine pain relief and healing cream technology the helps to balance metabolic healing functions where it is applied at the site of pain. The first action: detoxify the inflamed tissue deep in the pain site, stimulating the draining of excess fluids and toxins through lymphatic system. This action takes pressure off the micro-capillaries, restoring oxygen-rich blood flow to damaged cells. By reduce any buildup of toxins and excess uric acid or other waste byproducts from the pain site, there is a restoring of oxygen levels to the cells, maximizes the healing of damage cells. Pain relief is the result of healing the cells causing the pain.

Gout results when uric acid levels get too high in the body and crystallize in connective tissue, in the joint space between two bones, or in both. Initial symptoms usually consist of intense episodes of painful swelling in single joints, most often in the feet (especially the big toe). It can also attack ankles, heels, knees, wrists, fingers, and elbows. The reason for the severe pain: if you were to look at uric acid when it crystallizes, you will see it resembles needle-like shards of glass.

Gout is a metabolic disorder that grows more serious over time. Men, particularly those between the ages of 40 and 50, are more likely to develop gout than women.

At first, attacks usually get better in days. As time goes on the attacks last longer, happen more frequently, and eventually may cause permanent damage in fingers, knees, and other affected joints, disabling the individual who suffers with it. Left untreated, over 90% of cases recur for life.

Risk factors for gout include being overweight or obese, hypertension, alcohol intake (especially beer and spirits), diuretic use, and a diet centered on meat, seafood, and other purine-rich foods.

