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Upsher-Smith receives Distribution Industry Award for Notable Achievement in Healthcare

MAPLE GROVE, Minn. – Upsher-Smith was awarded a Distribution Industry Award for Notable Achievement in Healthcare (DIANA Award) for “Best Overall Manufacturer, Branded Pharmaceuticals, Sales less than $300M” at the HDA Business and Leadership Conference earlier this month.

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MAPLE GROVE, Minn. – Upsher-Smith was awarded a Distribution Industry Award for Notable Achievement in Healthcare (DIANA Award) for “Best Overall Manufacturer, Branded Pharmaceuticals, Sales less than $300M” at the HDA Business and Leadership Conference earlier this month.

 DIANA Award Presentation to Upsher-Smith. Left to right: Perry Fri (HDA), Dave Zitnak (Upsher-Smith), Mike Muzetras (Upsher-Smith), Brad Leonard (Upsher-Smith), Chip Davis (HDA)

“We are once again honored to receive this prestigious recognition from HDA,” said Jim Maahs, vice president, specialty & rare disease. “Upsher-Smith has talented and dedicated employees who are passionate about serving the needs of our supply chain partners, ensuring that quality, consistency of supply, and enduring customer relationships remain at the forefront of all that we do.”

Since 1959, the DIANA Awards have been presented to pharmaceutical and consumer product manufacturers that set the standard for excellence in developing innovative new product introductions and promotions, fostering exceptional trading partner relationships, advancing trade relations and creating business practices that benefit the entire healthcare supply chain. DIANA finalists and winners for Best Overall Company are chosen by HDA distributor members who judge companies based on several criteria including: knowledgeable salespeople, high-level customer service, demonstrated flexibility and creativity in marketing, and incorporation of new technologies to ensure product safety and security. Upsher-Smith is included among a distinguished group of present and past recipients who serve as models for leadership and innovation in the healthcare marketplace.

