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Wovenmedia launches industry guide and “Ask the Experts” program

Supports successful in-store retail media network implementation.

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SAN FRANCISCO — Wovenmedia announced the availability of its latest industry resource, The Ultimate Guide to Running a Successful In-Store Retail Media Network, a comprehensive, best-practices guide designed specifically for retailers planning to build in-store RMNs. With this resource retailers can leverage Wovenmedia’s extensive industry experience to efficiently build and successfully operate their networks at scale.

Wovenmedia’s Ultimate Guide is an in-depth “how-to” manual with insights organized around the six key considerations for in-store RMN success, from initial network design all the way through to effective network monetization, the “Six Keys for In-Store RMN Success”. Request access to this free guide HERE.

“In discussions with retailers considering in-store RMNs it’s clear that there’s a need for information to support successful implementation,” said Jeff Karnes, COO of Wovenmedia. “Our team has spent over a decade helping retailers build and operate these networks, and we’re excited about this initiative and the opportunity to share our insights and expertise.”

To further support the industry’s growth, Wovenmedia is also launching a free Ask the Experts program, a series of virtual interactive forums for a limited number of attendees hosted by Wovenmedia team members and industry partners. Each month’s session will focus on one of the “Six Keys” with the goal of helping participants overcome roadblocks and move their RMN projects forward.

The Ask the Experts forums will run on Thursdays at 2pm ET for the first six months of 2025 covering the following topics:

1) Optimizing Network Design - January 23rd

2) Choosing the Right Technology - February TBA

3) Developing Engaging Programming - March TBA

4) Ensuring Successful Deployment - April TBA

5) Guaranteeing Reliable Network Operation – May TBA

6) Maximizing In-store Monetization - June TBA

Register to be included on the invitee list for any of the Ask the Experts forums HERE.

