Excellence in Rx: Elgawly’s mission is ‘to protect our community’
“We believe that delivering on our commitments is critical to earning the trust of our community,” she says.
“We believe that delivering on our commitments is critical to earning the trust of our community,” she says.
Metcalf’s goal was to open her own pharmacy to serve her community, and she realized that ambition in 2004, when she opened her first location. She now owns two pharmacies in Blount County, located about six miles apart. They are the only pharmacies in that part of the county.
The initiative encourages families to use holiday gatherings to discuss the family history of colorectal cancer, and highlights the growing accessibility of at-home FIT tests.
“Safety is our top priority, and our team works hard to minimize wait times for acute meds,” Kahlil says.
New campaign spot flips dynamics between professional athletes to showcase Gillette’s ultimate shaving experience in an all-new way.
"This article is yet another important demonstration of the need for Congress to enact the bipartisan PBM reforms on which the hard work already has been done."
The conference will occur May 13 - 15, 2025 in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Patient education is an important element in the care she and her team provide, Gomez says.
The event, led by the California Coastal Commission, brought together 60 Nordic Naturals employees and retail partners from across the nation to contribute to one of California’s largest volunteer coastal cleanup efforts.
The book features over 500 images, including never-before-seen performance photos from every era as well as exclusive rehearsal photos and reflections written by Taylor herself.
Joyner replaces Karen Lynch. Roger Farah also named executive chairman of the board.
Asked for her favorite part of the job, Hicks says, “It’s the ability to work with all different types of patients and in different patient settings as well as pharmacy staff across Lewis Drug.”
New insights-backed treats from beloved brands including M&M'S and SKITTLES to hit convenience store shelves in the new year.
In 2022, Tweeten became the first woman in Hy-Vee history to serve as the company’s president.