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“Finish the Fight” – NYT PBM probe underscores purpose of NCPA’s public advocacy campaign


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ALEXANDRIA, Va. – The National Community Pharmacists Association, which has spent years working to educate policymakers, the public, members of the press and others about pharmacy benefit managers and their role in increasing prescription drug prices and limiting access to care, is applauding a big New York Times story out today for its deep dive into these critical issues.

NCPA CEO B. Douglas Hoey, pharmacist, MBA says the story, which the Times notes is “the first article in a series about how pharmacy benefit managers prioritize their interests, often at the expense of patients, employers and taxpayers,” complements NCPA’s ongoing “Finish the Fight” national campaign aimed at getting PBM reform across the finish line and reining in the super-predators inflicting so much harm.Hoey says, “This story is hitting at a critical time, with Congress sitting on reforms as PBM practices are leading to the closure of pharmacies every day and pushing even more independent pharmacy owners and patients ever closer to a breaking point.

NCPA’s ‘Finish the Fight’ campaign is about pushing policymakers to finish doing their job; anyone questioning why this is so critical should read this story and let their members of Congress know in no uncertain terms that the status quo is unacceptable. Reporters Rebecca Robbins and Reed Abelson have put together one of the best and most thorough pieces I have read as far as clearly and plainly describing how PBMs increase drug costs and hurt competition. We stand ready to keep assisting with this work as it proceeds and until the fight is finished.”

