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CHICAGO — Kitchfix, an emerging brand in the grain-free space, is changing their look to better connect with consumers on the stress-reducing benefits of limiting sugars and removing grains from their diets.
“At Kitchfix, we believe everyone can reduce stress in their lives by limiting inflammatory ingredients like grain and sugar. Our mission is to make it easy; easy on your body and convenient for your life,” says Brian Evangelista, Kitchfix’s vice president of marketing who joined Kitchfix after managing several of Conagra’s emerging brands. He continues: “We live busy lives in Chicago, and our team is passionate about balancing out that daily hustle with a diet full of stress-reducing and life-enhancing benefits. When we say that we eat stress-free, we mean it.”
The new design will stand apart as the colorful logos take great prominence on the package. Everything about the new communication is crisp and clearly reflective of the Midwestern charm inherent to the Kitchfix experience. The new design will extend across grain-free granola, grain-free granola bars, and grain-free frozen waffles. Expect to see them first on Amazon in March, and then the shelves of Whole Foods, Sprouts, and Kroger shortly after.
Kitchfix has some serious culinary credentials. The founder, Josh Katt, is a seasoned professional chef who has dedicated his career to unlocking the life-enhancing and oftentimes healing powers of food. With over 6 years of meal and snack delivery to the Paleo, Whole30, and Keto crowd, Kitchfix has built an extremely talented team to take Kitchfix national with packaged products. Katt explains, “We innovate weekly with meal delivery and we’re bringing that culture to the CPG world. We like to say that our chefs work harder so you can live easier. We won’t stop finding ways to get delicious, healthy food conveniently in the hands of our consumers on a national scale.”
Kitchfix grain-free granola and bars replace traditional oats with nuts and seeds, and the waffles are created with cassava flour. The emergence of grain-free products is the result of consumers’ heightened awareness of proper digestive health. Grain-free products have recently been fueled by many emerging diet programs and the trend now has greater cultural legitimacy and consumer awareness than other avoidance trends entering retail.
They are available in Grain-Free Granola, Grain-Free Granola Bar and Grain-Free Waffles.