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OrderInsite aids Publix with hurricane action plan

Preparing for a hurricane begins well before watches and warnings are issued. In fact, many are reviewing their plans now as the new hurricane season started on June 1.

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LAKELAND, Fla. — Preparing for a hurricane begins well before watches and warnings are issued. In fact, many are reviewing their plans now as the new hurricane season started on June 1. For Publix pharmacies, it means having the right technology in place to help manage and monitor its prescription drug inventory before customers come in to stock up as a storm approaches.

OrderInsite’s automated technology assists Publix Pharmacy in implementing its hurricane action plan at a corporate level so pharmacies in the impacted regions are prepared. It provides predictive analytics, quick adjustments for reordering, and drug forecasting so Publix knows which prescription medications to fast-track to which stores. It also allows Publix to update its action plan in real time if a storm changes its path.

“We are happy to support Publix and provide a customized solution that allows its pharmacists to prepare ahead of a natural disaster like a hurricane,” said George Lazenby, chief executive officer of OrderInsite. “It’s important that Publix customers have access to their medications when they need them, and it’s rewarding to be a part of their overall plan so communities are better prepared for the unknown.”

Without this solution, pharmacists manage their preparations at a store level, spending valuable hours doing tasks manually. This can lead to ordering too much or too little of certain drugs, resulting in excess of medications they don’t need or risk running out of much needed medications ahead of natural disasters like a hurricane. It’s a daunting challenge for pharmacies with limited storage space and unpredictable demand.

Dain Rusk

Publix operates more than 1,200 pharmacies across seven states in the Southeast that are impacted during hurricane season. “We are always striving to provide the best quality service to our customers, and that means being prepared for extreme weather events like a hurricane. OrderInsite’s expertise and support help our pharmacies be well equipped to navigate these unpredicted challenges,” said Publix vice president of pharmacy Dain Rusk.

It’s important for pharmacies to have the necessary medications available for customers before a storm hits so patients can prepare in case stores need to close or can’t receive deliveries after a storm moves through.

“OrderInsite’s advanced systems allow us to make informed decisions quickly, prioritizing the necessary prescription drugs that our customers need,” added Rusk.

Last September, Florida’s governor issued a State of Emergency ahead of Hurricane Ian coming ashore, allowing Floridians to receive early prescription refills regardless of typical limits. OrderInsite’s technology allows pharmacies to be prepared and have the necessary medications on hand for its customers.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), after Hurricane Ivan hit in 2004, 53% of pharmacies had depleted supplies and at least 26% had to prioritize distribution to certain patients.

“Pharmacies must remain agile and resilient in the face of natural disasters like hurricanes. Establishing systems and fostering strong relationships enable our pharmacists to serve as pillars of support to our communities during challenging times,” concluded Rusk.

