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Issue 12-07-2009

Bang to join SDM as senior VP

Bang to join SDM as senior VP

Chong Bang, Walgreen Co.’s general merchandise manager for photo and front-end services and the latest executive to oversee implementation of the company’s Customer-Centric Retailing (CCR) initiative, plans to leave the company later this month.

CMS policy on Part D is at issue

Pharmacy operators and drug wholesalers say they fear that a new Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) policy could prevent certain medications for chronic conditions from being covered by Medicare Part D.

Chain drug sales solid in November

Chain drug retailers posted strong sales gains in November. Overall sales for the trade class advanced 8.3% from results in the prior-year period, while same-store sales increased by 4%. Walgreen Co. was among the drug chains recording solid results for the month. has best day ever

Online retailer inc. reported a strong start to its holiday selling season. On Cyber Monday, traditionally the kickoff of the online holiday shopping season, the company reported its highest number of orders ever.

Incidence of swine flu cases abating

The level of flu activity across the nation dropped in November, federal health officials said earlier this month, indicating that the second wave of the swine flu pandemic in the United States has peaked.

Rogue Web pharmacies draw fire from NACDS

The National Association of Chain Drug Stores has submitted a letter to the Food and Drug Administration expressing its concern that rogue Internet pharmacies are engaging in a pattern of illegal activity.

Walgreens enhances its web site

Walgreen Co. has relaunched its web site, adding a variety of healthy living and product resources, expanding the shopping tools and services it offers, and making the site easier to navigate.

NACDS is hub of chain drug industry

For four days at the beginning of December, NACDS brought the chain drug industry briefly to life, by the simple expedient of gathering the retailer and supplier communities together in New York City for a series of business and social events.

What science-based guidelines mean for Rx

Retail pharmacy operators and other health care providers recently were given a preview of the difficulties involved in implementing the findings of comparative effectiveness research, a science-based approach to evaluating the benefits and potential dangers of alternative forms of diagnosis and tre