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Another typical year in retailing unfolds

Another typical year in retailing unfolds

and the news concerning the chain drug store community has hardly made a ripple. The Walgreens acquisition of Rite Aid remains a work in progress, though all parties hoped it would have been completed by now. The NACDS Total Store Expo event is unfolding without many

Is it doomsday for retail chains? Not yet

Is it doomsday for retail chains? Not yet

The continuous roller coaster of retail sales results could make even the greatest optimist weep. In recent months, when retailers like Macy’s, Nordstrom, Kohl’s, J.C. Penney and Target reported less than stellar results, it was hard not to take on a Chicken Little view that the sky was falling.

EPA pharmaceutical waste rule examined

EPA pharmaceutical waste rule examined

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently proposed steps to streamline the process surrounding the disposal and handling of hazardous pharmaceutical waste for all health care facilities that dispense pharmaceuticals as set forth by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA).

Forces that will shape the future of pharmacy

Forces that will shape the future of pharmacy

including mergers and acquisitions, downward pressure on reimbursement rates, consolidation of payers, and a nascent movement to transform pharmacists into providers — now is a good time to take a step back and look at the big picture. What forces will transform the industry, and which

Rationalization of store base on the horizon

Rationalization of store base on the horizon

The second annual Amazon Prime Day was held this month and, despite early technical problems that slowed down the checkout process for some customers, it was another in a series of successes for the nation’s leading online merchant. The company reported that the event was the best day in Amazon.

For chain drug stores, Rx still the anchor

For chain drug stores, Rx still the anchor

Chain drug store operators are unique among mass market retailers in many ways, none more dramatic than the separation of the pharmacy and front-end businesses. In fact, they are actually two separate businesses, neither overly dependent on the other for success.

<u>Book Excerpt:</u> Healthcare Disrupted

<u>Book Excerpt:</u> Healthcare Disrupted

CHAPTER 8: TOWARD A NEW MODEL OF COLLABORATION AND COMPETITION All new healthcare business and operating models must rapidly embrace technologies that are fundamentally collaborative; building ecosystems of value-enabling partnerships is both strategic and an operating imperative.

Building a strategy in a digital world

Building a strategy in a digital world

Recent studies point to digital as the primary force driving the business and societal changes that are affecting company operations across industries. Because retail and health care are facing the most disruption, North American pharmacies can no longer afford to watch from the sidelines.

Opportunities in health care tech in the silver economy

Opportunities in health care tech in the silver economy

We all know the aging of the U.S. population is one of the biggest demographic changes of our era. This is presenting not only challenges to health care providers and governments but also opportunities for new technologies that deliver health services more efficiently, more effectively or faster.