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Drug chains’ beauty business in doldrums

Drug chains’ beauty business in doldrums

In chain drug retailing, the most disappointing product category in 2016 has been beauty care. Indeed, the problem with the beauty care category in chain drug stores is, quite simply, the chain drug store’s inability to generate any significant interest in the category.

Time for population health management model

Time for population health management model

Our nation’s health care industry is under tremendous pressure to change in order to make quality health care delivery more affordable and accessible. Escalating costs are shifting our health care economy from traditional fee-for-service to value-based payment models.

In retailing, change is now the only constant

In retailing, change is now the only constant

In the early 1960s, Bob Dylan, who was just awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, asked his listeners to “… admit that the waters/Around you have grown/And accept it that soon you be drenched to the bone/If your time to you is worth savin’/Then you better start swimmin’ or you’ll sink like a stone/

Analysis: Just how big is the VMS market?

Analysis: Just how big is the VMS market?

There has been a long-standing debate over the size of the vitamins, minerals and supplements (VMS) category. We started our Vitamin Study in 2005 with a simple goal: to get a more accurate measurement of the category size. With our 2016 study, we offered a broader and more robust set of data

Chain drug retailing loses a pair of icons

Chain drug retailing loses a pair of icons

and, typically of a business that continues to grow, prosper and change, the tendency is to forget to remember what these icons ­accomplished. Last month, two executives who were instrumental in building chain drug retailing passed away. They were radically different, yet remarkably

Beacons connect with shoppers

Beacons connect with shoppers

Rite Aid Corp. made headlines in January when it announced it had installed beacons throughout its network of nearly 4,600 drug stores, wrestling away from Macy’s the designation of largest retail beacon deployment to date.