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Digital health consumers recasting the market

Digital health consumers recasting the market

As of 2017, 45% of the global population was using the internet, and it is projected that 76% will have access by 2030, according to Euromonitor International. With more connectivity, a new type of connected consumer is rising: the digital health consumer.

Understanding Amazon’s impact on drug retailing

Understanding Amazon’s impact on drug retailing

Who knew that the ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus would sum up’s influence on our modern health care industry so well? “The only constant is change,” he is said to have uttered, along with “You cannot step twice into the same river.

For chain drug retailers, one size does not fit all

For chain drug retailers, one size does not fit all

The past year has seen seismic changes in the global wellness market. When looking at retail as a whole, the industry has been upended by the rise of voice-enabled technology, an earnest focus on health and wellness, and unexpected partnerships that prove that complacency is no longer an option.

Physical stores out of touch with modern consumers

Physical stores out of touch with modern consumers

Recently, I was sitting in a meeting with clients from a large consumer packaged goods company who were discussing amongst themselves how the company’s CMO had added an extraordinary number of people with digital and omnichannel expertise to his team, while they, the customer team leads, had a hirin

How to win back the convenience consumer

How to win back the convenience consumer

Drug stores have sustained a dip in trips in recent years, down nearly 15% from 2015 to 2017, according to IRI. This loss of trips is challenging for the drug class of trade, as stores lose the foot traffic they need to accelerate growth. Our data and analytics indicate that trips in drug are down