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Changes loom as industry starts new year

Changes loom as industry starts new year

The new year has begun inauspiciously for chain drug retailing, an industry that is still trying to assess the results of the just completed Christmas selling season. By all accounts, December was a month of no great accomplishments, even if it was not the disaster some observers predicted.

Mobile devices back drive for health, wellness

Mobile devices back drive for health, wellness

The mobile experience, including both websites and apps, can play a prominent role for those tracking their fitness and wellness, managing multiple medications, and/or managing an illness or chronic condition. According to Pew Research Center, nearly two-thirds of Americans own a smartphone.

Hopes of chain drug industry rest with new leaders

Hopes of chain drug industry rest with new leaders

Christmas is over, yesterday’s news. And the mass retailing community is scampering to assess its impact on sales, earnings and the future. For chain drug retailers, this holiday selling season, like so many before it, was acceptable, if hardly record-setting.

MTM runs into roadblocks

MTM runs into roadblocks

It is said that patience is a virtue. With respect to medication therapy management (MTM) by chain pharmacists, patience has been more a necessity than a virtue. Among and between health care providers, including pharmacists, there have been MTM pilot projects and some test collaborations.

It’s time for drug chains to get creative

It’s time for drug chains to get creative

again. But the current promotion bears little resemblance to the event that, apparently eons ago, ushered in the Christmas selling season by offering shoppers, for a limited time on the day following Thanksgiving, holiday specials that lured customers into all manner of stores.

Walgreens-Rite Aid deal changes game

Walgreens-Rite Aid deal changes game

The spectacular is becoming so commonplace that even the most astonishing events in chain drug retailing are assuming a ho-hum characteristic. Nothing new here, even if Walgreens has announced its intention to acquire Rite Aid.

Health care partnerships are wave of the future

Health care partnerships are wave of the future

The move toward closer cooperation among providers is one of the more intriguing developments in health care, one that promises to improve patient outcomes and limit expenditures in a sector that accounts for almost 20% of the nation’s gross domestic product.

Social media has impact on consumer health care

Social media has impact on consumer health care

There are many social media channels, and personal experiences with them vary based on age, interests, technology savvy and more. Depending on one’s interests or information being sought, there are likely a variety of ways to participate or find others online that can relate.